
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

project name

Senior Management Advisor

Project description and further descriptions of the activity
possibly also as embroidery dots

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"Ms Förster supported us in a challenging and complex digital transformation project. Their great competence, experience and quick comprehension made a major contribution to structuring the project contents and setting the right priorities. Ms. Förster understood it with great dedication to always create a constructive and goal-oriented working atmosphere due to her open nature and her professional approach. I would like to thank you very much for the good cooperation. "
Frank Kropp
Senior Vice President Research & Development
"From the start of her task, Ms. Förster has given the project teams orientation by structuring the overarching tasks for the upcoming digital transformation through resolute and confident behavior. This has made it possible to transparently present the complex issues across divisions and functions, to set the priorities correctly and make the necessary decisions in a comprehensible manner. For me personally, it has helped to realize how helpful consistent and methodical procedures can be in a complex environment. The collaboration was very rewarding. "
Bernhard carriage summer
Head of Software - Research & Development

"Ms Förster played a key role in establishing a digital roadmap including IT requirements for new business models for Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG. She was extremely helpful in structuring the activities to examine various aspects of completeness and to set the right accents. In order to manage complex IT projects with very different activities in a company, Ms. Förster is a very good choice. That's why I highly recommend them for these activities. "
Heribert Will
Head of Operations
Chairman of the Board
"I thank you personally for your commitment and your great support. After a few years "only" in management, I was allowed to enjoy Program Management Air again as part of the Digital Roadmap and thanks to your support, we were about to adopt a very professional program.

I learned a lot from you again and had a lot of fun doing it. Thanks for that. "
Hartmut Ball
Head of Digital Platforms
Vice President PLM & Engineering IT

Portfolio and project management of IT
"Global SAP Consolidation"

Senior Management Consultant and Interim Manager atMandate of the Board and the CIO

, Feasibility study, initial planning and management decision
- Program Management IT Baseline
- Program Coaching HEI-CRM / Quotation
- Program Coaching PLM
- Development and expansion of portfolio and project management

"In a very demanding situation, Ms Förster took on the structuring, organization and management of the most important projects in our portfolio, the success of which she was able to ensure. She convinced our management team, but also the project staff, with professionalism, security in management and methods, leadership in the project environment coupled with high social competence and commitment. I found the highly effective interaction of these complementary strengths exceptional. "
Uwe Herold
"Ms Förster supported us in an important project to realign our process and SAP landscape. She got involved in the critical phase of the project and took the lead after a very short time and led us towards the end of the project. An important success factor was their stringent and dialogue-oriented way of working. Thank you very much for the very pleasant and trusting cooperation. "
Hartmut Ball
Head of Engineering IT
"Outstanding commitment, very quick comprehension, structured, solution-oriented and assertive, so I have experienced you, dear Ms. Förster, in recent months in our projects. In addition to all this professionalism, she is characterized by her charming, natural style as well as her empathy, which has also helped us on many a cliff. Thank you very much for the very pleasant and successful cooperation. "
Thomas Wind
Head of Basic Services & EAI
Program Manager SAP Upgrade Roadmap

"Ms Sylke Förster supported us energetically and enthusiastically in the planning and preparation of a data center move project. In particular, the consulting services in the context of "tactical approach" and "design cooperation with external companies" up to the area of "contract design" were extremely valuable to us. In addition, she has quickly and efficiently integrated into the internal IT organization to ensure smooth and effective collaboration. "
Wolfgang Ruland
Head of Infrastructure
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