"Sylke Foerster has been very successful in 2015-17 as program manager for our transformation program "Columbus", Zurich Insurance's largest IT investment project worldwide during this period. I would particularly like to highlight her very consistent management of the projects and the many external service providers involved, as well as the comprehensive change management program for employees affected by changes. "
Dr. Klaus Endres
Member of the Board
COO - Chief Operations Officer
"Ms. Förster convinced from Day 1 of the program through methodically secure, cleverly operationalized management. She was able to quickly analyze the complex situation of the transformation program in terms of need for action and risks in order to initiate the necessary decisions and corrective activities on this basis. Their extra-ordinary commitment and their solution orientation were certainly essential success factors. I am looking forward to the next common tasks. "
Lars Ackermann
Project Manager "Columbus Interfaces-PL Non Motor
executive DirectorIKOR Management- und Systemberatung GmbH
"In the Columbus program, the largest and most demanding program of the Zurich Group Germany, Ms. Foerster convinced the project managers of the necessary discipline in Time, Scope and Bugdet. Their rigorous program management was a key factor in the implementation success. I was really impressed by your commitment, your determination and your know-how. "
Markus Ritter
Project Manager "Columbus Non Motor Release"
Head of General Insurance
Personal Lines Non Motor