
Zurich Group Germany

Transformation and digitization program Columbus
Guidewire introduction (Product, Policy, Claims, Billing) for private protection,250 interfaces and migration

Operational Program Manager on behalf of the Board

- 9 major projects with about 800 employees
- Responsibility for three-digit million budget
- Responsibility for contract management and supplier management
- Responsibility for the operational control
- Senior Management Coaching, Stakeholder Management
- Organizational Change and Training Management
- Program Management Office
- Test Management Office

"With her outstanding commitment, her many years of project experience and her leadership, Ms. Foerster has been instrumental in getting one of Zurich Germany's biggest transformation programs to successfully cross the finish line, creating structure, transparency and clear accountability in a timely manner It helps to correct them in good time and without them we would not be where we are now. "
Horst Nussbaumer
Member of the Board
CCO - Chief Claims Officer

We have started a major project within the framework of the business transformation and the introduction of a new IT platform of unknown magnitude for our group. Together with Sylke Förster we were able to win a first-class program manager for the implementation.

If you need a manager for a project of the highest complexity, Ms. Förster is exactly the right choice. Why? Reliable, with a lot of overview, strong, but in the right places even with a long lead, methodically mature, consistent, assertive and with the greatest commitment that I can imagine, she ensures the program success by time, scope and budget. Ms. Förster is directly in the speech and sets with her methods exactly the right actions. She personally made me better during the project. I thank myself."

Sven Schluenzen
Project Manager Billing PL Non Motor Release "&
Interfaces - PL Motor Release "
Sylke as the Operational Program Director has been working in the Group and has a long-standing experience in the field of quality assurance Following approval, Sylke was the lead contact point for regular ongoing group assessments (Stagegate reviews, regular monitoring) Sylke, as a consummate professional, continued to reassure all parties through a trusting, cheerful and transparent approach - this included in an Openness on what not working well, in addition to that many things that were going well.
Martin Gaskell
Commercial Regions, Torich

"The introduction of the Guidewire Suite in Germany is one of the world's largest programs of the Zurich Insurance Group. By ensuring a stringent, orderly and clearly structured program management, Ms Förster has made a decisive contribution to the success of this project. It is characterized by solution orientation, vision, clear organization and outstanding management skills. Thanks to your immense commitment and the contribution of your experience and expertise, we were able to solve all the crises, problems and challenges on the way to the launch of the first release. Ms. Förster was a guarantee of success in every respect and I would always call on your support. Thank you for the last 2.5 years. "
Marcel Posorsky
Project Manager "Columbus Claims-Private Line",
Head of IT Coordination Claims

"Sylke Foerster has been very successful in 2015-17 as program manager for our transformation program "Columbus", Zurich Insurance's largest IT investment project worldwide during this period. I would particularly like to highlight her very consistent management of the projects and the many external service providers involved, as well as the comprehensive change management program for employees affected by changes. "
Dr. Klaus Endres
Member of the Board
COO - Chief Operations Officer

"Ms. Förster convinced from Day 1 of the program through methodically secure, cleverly operationalized management. She was able to quickly analyze the complex situation of the transformation program in terms of need for action and risks in order to initiate the necessary decisions and corrective activities on this basis. Their extra-ordinary commitment and their solution orientation were certainly essential success factors. I am looking forward to the next common tasks. "
Lars Ackermann
Project Manager "Columbus Interfaces-PL Non Motor
executive DirectorIKOR Management- und Systemberatung GmbH

"In the Columbus program, the largest and most demanding program of the Zurich Group Germany, Ms. Foerster convinced the project managers of the necessary discipline in Time, Scope and Bugdet. Their rigorous program management was a key factor in the implementation success. I was really impressed by your commitment, your determination and your know-how. "
Markus Ritter
Project Manager "Columbus Non Motor Release"
Head of General Insurance
Personal Lines Non Motor
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